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Free app got employees on their feet

For the employees at the telecoms company ipnordic in Gråsten, Denmark, the working day used to consist of mainly sitting down at a desk. But that was until they realised that a free app from LINAK® could help them stand up more at their desks during the workday.

Desk Control™ app on mobile and computer, and smiling ipnordic employee standing up at his sit-stand desk

"A great deal of our work takes place in front of a screen, and it's easy to sit still and immerse yourself in your work for several hours. It might be OK for a limited period of time, but when you sit in the same fixed position all day, many days in a row, you can often feel it in your body afterwards", says Maria Strøm Wrang, HR Manager at ipnordic.

So, the employees welcomed the free Desk Control™ App that could both remind them to stand up at their desks and count their standing minutes.

Signe Johannesen, Health and Safety Representative at ipnordic, got a great idea: "I had heard about this app and thought it was something we should try. So, we started 2023 with a standing competition in the office, where the app counted our minutes on our feet – and since then, the app has become an integral part of the working day for many of us. In general, we try to inspire our colleagues to change position often, so you don’t sit or stand too long at a time. You could say that the “next position” is always the best".

To further focus on health among employees, ipnordic also organised a HEALTHY NOVEMBER event. Once again, employees were encouraged to get up and change positions at their desks, but they also shared tips on, for example, healthier sleeping and eating habits. Also, employees were invited to various fitness events throughout the month.


The app for movement

"Many of us have gone from sitting down all day to standing up several times during the workday. It's felt in both the body and mood, and the new good habits have indeed increased job satisfaction", says Janet Preuss, Payroll and HR Assistant at ipnordic.

The Desk Control app can be downloaded for free on both computer and smartphone. It is Bluetooth® connected to the sit-stand desk and sends notifications when it is time to stand up. You can set your own ambition level, and the app can even estimate the number of calories burned.

Smiling ipnordic employee standing at her sit-stand desk with a computer in the background

"There is no doubt that more movement and varied positions benefit the individual employee, the community and the workplace in general. We can see that our colleagues are happy with initiatives like this, and doing it together helps a lot with motivation and habits. That's why we've also shared the idea with our 1200 European colleagues in the Enreach Group. We hope to inspire them and other workplaces to focus more on movement during the workday", says Maria Strøm Wrang.

If you have a height adjustable desk with one of the LINAK controls shown below, you can also download and use the free app. Read more about the Desk Control™ app and where to download it..

DPG1M, DPG1B and DPG1C controls

The Bluetooth® word mark and logos are registered trademarks owned by Bluetooth SIG Inc. and any use of such marks and logos by LINAK® is under license.

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