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How do these trends affect our work-life balance, the opportunity to stay healthy while working, and what impact do they have on office design? See the articles below for LINAK's view on the matter

Office environment

Hybrid - the new standard of future office workplaces?

The so-called hybrid office is becoming more common than ever before. A hybrid office consists of employees who work in the office, while others work from home, which allows for more freedom of when and where to work. But what are the benefits and challenges of this new way of working?

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Woman at home office

Is it possible to find the right work-life balance?

With 24 hours in a day, it can sometimes be a challenge to make it all come together and create a good balance in your life. Especially when the boundaries of private and working life are becoming more fluid. How do you achieve this balance of professional and personal well-being, and is it even possible?

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People walking

How do you stay healthy during working hours?

Eight hours in a chair in front of a computer, five days a week can take a toll on your body, regardless of whether you are working in the office or from home. How do you ensure that you listen to the signals from your body? And is there anything you can do proactively to stay healthy even though you have a sedentary job?

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