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Create productive and happy employees with sit-stand desks

From creating an active and healthy work environment to getting more from your employees. Sit-stand desks offer many benefits for both employers and their employees.

Create productive and happy employees with sit-stand desks

Although sit-stand desks have been a growing global trend for some time, there are still many businesses that have not made the switch. That means that a lot of people, and the companies they work for, are missing out on the potential benefits of adding movement to the workplace. In an article for the Society for Human Resource Management, James Levine, Director of Obesity Solutions from the Mayo Clinic and the Arizona State University, highlights that the typical return on investment is between $3 and $7 for every $1 invested in workplace interventions that help people be more active on the job1. This makes sit-stand desks a win-win for employers.

If you or your company have not made the switch yet, or if you are thinking about adding sit-stand desks to your upcoming design projects, feel free to explore and share our latest videos highlighting these benefits.

This video highlights how your current workspace could slow your employees down if it is not height-adjustable.


Supporting Efficiency

In a study involving 50 participating university students and examining the effects of standing as opposed to sitting, the participants were able to respond faster when standing than when they were sitting2. And physical activity appears to improve cognitive abilities despite people’s actual health conditions. As such, a US study found that physical activity had a significant positive influence on the mental processing and performance for both healthy and ill persons, when they compared the effect of physical activity for persons with and without Parkinson’s disease.3

This video shows how bringing movement to the office space can help create a comfortable workspace that promotes wellness and reduces sick days.


Improving Attendance

In a long-term case study ranging over six years, a German-based global company provided some employees with sit-stand desks and ergonomic training. 65 percent of employees (in a 3-month survey) and 70 percent of employees (in a 6-year survey) said that they felt improved well-being - despite more computer usage. In addition, the number of reported sick days due to, for example, back pain declined by 60 percent. The company found that the return of investment (ROI) was equivalent to 10 euro per 1 euro spent (for the sit-stand desks and ergonomic training).4


This video shows how workspaces should be designed to help employees get their stuff done instead of keeping you from your work.


Enhancing Productivity

Another study compared the effects of sit-stand desks versus traditional static desks in a call centre over a 6-month period. The scientists found that employees with stand-capable desks were 45 percent more productive on a daily basis compared to their seated colleagues – and that the productivity significantly increased over time.5

This video shows how height-adjustable desks help make your workspace more inviting for collaboration.


Promoting Collaboration

Good ideas and solutions often arise spontaneously. A raised desk can become a quick and easy meeting area for discussion. While flexible workstations stimulate employees to move at work, they also create the right atmosphere for employee collaboration. With quick meetings and more agility, employees are automatically stimulated to use their sit-stand desk more – so it is a win-win situation for more collaboration and more movement throughout the office day.


This video shows how sit-stand desks can reduce sick days of employees and help them reach their health goals.


Improving Health

The motivation for standing up during the day is crucial when office workers need to move more. Habits are hard to change, so a Danish study researched methods for motivation and found that reminders had the greatest effect in motivating office workers to use their sit-stand desk. As such, reminders doubled the time among “light users” (those standing up for 20 percent or less during their working day).6 This tendency is further confirmed by a practical case study carried out for LINAK by the German ‘Institut für Gesundheit und Ergonomie’, which proved that office workers with sit-stand desks that were equipped with “sit-stand reminder kits”, significantly improved the use of their desk and have become more active during their working day.7

This video highlights how sit-stand desks can reduce stress and other mental health issues.


Reducing Stress

A research by the University of Tasmania on over 3,000 participants as part of a larger health research project found that sitting for more than 6 hours per day not only negatively affects physical well-being but also increases the risk of mental health issues.8


Ready to get your company moving?

One of the best ways to get your company moving is to make the switch to height-adjustable desks. Including the right sit-stand desk with reminder functions and intuitive design in your workplace can be a great way to jump-start an employee wellness program. But one thing to bear in mind is that movement can be anywhere you are in the office space.

From one-leg stands to multi-leg conference room tables, the possibilities of how you can bring movement into your office designs are almost endless. The key thing to consider is where people will be spending their time. They are unlikely to spend all their time at their desk. Between meetings, collaborations and the socialising that takes place in a workspace, there are many areas where motion can be brought into designs to promote flexibility in the environment. Get your company moving.



  1. Lytle, T. (2017, February 22). Promote an Active Workforce with Standing Desks. Retrieved from Society for Human Resource Management:
  2. Rosenbaum, D., Mama, Y., & Algom, D. 2017 Stand by Your Stroop: Standing Up Enhances Selective Attention and Cognitive Control. Psychological Science
  3. Hazamy, A., Altmann, L., Stegemöller, E., Bowers, D., Lee, H. K., Wilson, J., . . . Hass, C. (2017, Apr). Improved Cognition While Cycling in Parkinson’s Disease Patients and Healthy Adults. Brain Cogn.(113), 23-31.
  4. Healy, G., Lawler, S., Thorp, A., Neuhaus, M., Robson, E., Owen, N., & Dunstan, D. 2012 Reducing prolonged sitting in the workplace. An evidence review: full report. Melbourne, Australia Victorian Health Promotion Foundation. 
  5. Garrett, G., Benden, M., Mehta, R., Pickens, A., Peres, S., & Zhao, H. 2016 Call Center Productivity Over 6 Months Following a Standing Desk Intervention. IIE Transactions on Occupational Ergonomics and Human Factors, 2-3, pp. 188-195
  6. Institut für Gesundheit und Ergonomie 2018. Measuring the effect of sit-stand reminders LINAK.
  7. KL. 7 (2017): Making office workers healthier: A public health intervention making office workers use their height-adjustable office desks more, conducted for LINAK
  8. Kilpatrick, M., Sanderson, K., Blizzard, L., Teale, B., & Venn, A. 2013 Cross-sectional associations between sitting at work and psychological distress: Reducing sitting time may benefit mental health. Mental Health and Physical Activity, 6(2), 103-109.


MOVE – Why sit-stand desks increase work performance

Reduce sick days and create a modern office environment with electric sit-stand desks. An attractive investment for employers and their employees.

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