Smart brick cutter
All bricklayers face a common problem – cutting a brick is usually a manual and very tough job. But the company Smart Cutter has come to their rescue with an application for cutting bricks. The machine uses two LA30 actuators from LINAK.
Many bricklayers struggle with shoulder and collarbone pain from manually cutting bricks. The man behind Smart Cutter spotted a need to develop an electric cutter to improve the working environment for bricklayers. By using a Smart Cutter, bricklayers avoid putting as much strain on their bodies when cutting bricks. This means fewer injuries and improved efficiency.
The brick cutter
The cutter cuts a brick using two parallel LA30 actuators and a TR-EM-339 third-party control with a special programme – all supplied by LINAK. The cutter is intelligent in that it remembers the size of the actual type of stone and retracts a couple of millimetres more than this position after each cut. The cut is made with the simple touch of a button. The cutter can be manually adjusted if the stone type changes.
Watch a video of the brick cutter in action at the Smart Cutter website.

Cleaning robot for pigsties
Cleaning out a pigsty is a dirty job. WP Production, a sub-contractor of Washpower A/S, has produced a cleaning robot with an LA12 actuator from LINAK.
You may think that cleaning a pigsty is a pointless task. But this is far from the case! For pig production all over the world, keeping the sties clean is a high priority, also whenever the pigs are moved. The cleaning process has always been a manual job using high-pressure washers. But thanks to the new cleaning robot, this is no longer the case. The result is a much easier job and a higher standard of cleaning – to the benefit of pigs and employees alike.
The robot
WP Production and Washpower A/S are behind the cleaning robot. It works by entering the pigsty and washing down all the surfaces with a powerful water jet. An LA12 IC actuator from LINAK is used on each robot to move the spray nozzle, depending on where the water jet needs to aim. WP Production has created its own PLC control.
Read more about the cleaning robot at the Washpower website.

Truck Mounted Attenuators (TMA) for emergency situations
When a road accident occurs, it is essential to quickly and effectively close off all affected roadways. A job that ScanLED solves using a Truck Mounted Attenuator, which uses LINAK actuators to lower two barricading wings.
In emergency situations such as road accidents, dropped freight or emergency roadworks, it is essential to quickly close off one or more roadways. In situations like these the so-called TMA (Truck Mounted Attenuator) be used. The attenuator is fitted to the back of a lorry, which is then parked in front of the area that needs to be closed off. Despite the total weight of 10 tons, the attenuator protects both those working in front of the lorry - but also any motorists who fail to notice the barrier, as it is possible to survive a collision with the attenuator.
Truck Mounted Attentuator
ScanLED adapts the TMA for optimal use in emergency situations. Typically, a TMA is the first to arrive at the scene, and it must be able to block off several roadways. That is why ScanLED uses LA36 actuators from LINAK along with TR-EM-288 third-party controls to run the wings down one or both sides of the TMA. ScanLED uses actuators instead of, for example, hydraulics, to increase safety, as the actuators' compressive and traction forces can be adjusted so that the wings do not pose a crushing hazard. The wings do not absorb impact in the same way as the TMA, but they are able to indicate that the road is blocked off until an extra TMA arrives at the scene. With both wings down, it is possible to block off a 7-metre wide area, corresponding to two entire roadways.
ScanLED is also unique for using an extra actuator and control to tilt the top of the trailer down, which allows for driving under bridges and through tunnels.
Read more about the Truck Mounted Attenuator on ScanLED's website.

A robot that takes your temperature
If we want to avoid the spread of disease, it is important that we stay home when we are sick. The #NoFever robot from Really A Robot can help ensure that no one turns up with a fever. #NoFever automatically adjusts according to your height via an actuator from LINAK, and then takes your temperature from the forehead. In just a few seconds, you know if you have a fever and need to go back home.
Fever is often a good indication of sickness in your body, and that you may be contagious. The #NoFever thermometer is particularly useful in companies, institutions, airports and hospitals, where many people gather. The temperature reading is entirely contactless, anonymous and complies with GDPR regulations. Once the reading has been taken, you will be notified of your temperature, and the reading is deleted from the robot's memory.
The #NoFever robot
When a person approaches the robot, it uses artificial intelligence to detect the face, and adjusts to your height. This means you do not have to kneel down or stand on your toes for the robot to take your temperature. Height adjustment is done using a DL9 XL lifting column from LINAK, which with its stroke length of almost one meter allows the robot to adapt to any human height. The lifting column talks to the in-built artificial intelligence, so that height adjustment is quick and entirely automatic.
See the robot in action and read more on Really A Robot's website.