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Sustainability - 2023

Statement of corporate social responsibility in accordance with the Danish Financial Statements Act §99a


Business model

The LINAK® Group manufactures electric linear actuator solutions that ensure smooth adjustment of many different applications. Everything from healthcare to agriculture, comfort furniture, office furniture and industrial automation - the possibilities are almost endless.

At the LINAK Group, responsibility is about doing what you do best - and doing it properly. No company can work with sustainability without making conscious choices. We base our decisions on common sense and on step-by-step improvement. Therefore, LINAK works actively with five important areas:

  • We improve your life
  • We take care of each other
  • We take care of the environment
  • We are locally committed and globally conscious
  • We set expectations

These five core areas define our (LINAK) responsibility within sustainability.

After a thorough materiality assessment in 2022/23, LINAK decided to focus on six key areas to drive our sustainability initiatives within the Environment, Social, and Governance (ESG) categories, which also support and contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).

  • The six key areas is as following:
  • Carbon Emissions
  • Product Design and Circularity
  • Resource Use & Circularity
  • Employee Engagement
  • Sustainable Supply Chain
  • Customer ESG Expectations

Risk analysis

The LINAK Group has a size and a business area, where there may be risks associated with environmental, climate, social and employee conditions, human rights, corruption and bribery.

LINAK wants to meet environmental requirements in development and manufacturing and develop products with low energy consumption. In social and employee relations, the aim is for no employees being injured, physically or mentally.

The risk of violating human rights, corruption and bribery is hedged by the LINAK Ethical guidelines, and towards the suppliers by our supplier Code of Conduct.


Due diligence processes

Environment and climate
LINAK wants to include and meet environmental requirements and market requirements in product development and manufacturing of products:

  • We develop products with low energy consumption in approved materials.
  • It is our aim not to stress the environment unnecessarily and to avoid unnecessary energy consumption.
  • It is our aim to always use the optimum technology when manufacturing products.
  • We influence the environmental awareness of our employees to achieve eco-friendly behavior.
  • We live up to existing legislation.


Environmental goals 2022/2023

  • Implementation of legal requirements of the Packaging Directive
  • Goal of 90% carbon reduction on heat and 100% carbon reduction on electricity in 2025 at our headquarters LINAK A/S.
  • We must implement a system that can handle Carbon footprint and LCA calculations before 31 December 2022.
  • We are starting a technology project around finding recycled material in a suitable quality.
  • Begin consideration of how the LINAK products can be separated for reasons of recycling.
  • We follow the electricity consumption in relation to the number of pieces produced.
  • We monitor gas consumption in relation to m2 building mass.

In relation to electricity and gas consumption, there are no ambitions to reduce consumption, but to continuously identify actions so that the level can be maintained in step with automation and installation of new equipment and buildings.

Throughout the financial year 2022/23 we have continued to work with our initiatives.

The LINAK Group will continue to work on the established initiatives the next year.

LINAK is committed to the Paris Agreement and is in the process of setting Science Based Targets and near-term goals. Goals that will limit global warming, push us closer to carbon-neutral operations and drive our suppliers to improve their emissions.

  • Social terms and staff conditions
    The LINAK Group will at all time comply with applicable legislation and other requirements in the field of occupational health and safety. In addition, the LINAK Group promotes a good working environment:
  • The goal is that no employees are injured, physically or mentally.
  • Focus is on preventative work, which forms the basis of the Group's health and safety policies.
  • Visualise a good working environment and develop behaviour accordingly.
  • The Group supports health promotion initiatives and activities.

To ensure employee well-being, the LINAK Group has described the ethical guidelines for good behaviour among employees. Please refer to Ethical Guidelines.

Continuous measurements of the working environment are taken to ensure social and employee relations, the results of which have been stable for the financial year 2022/23 compared to previous years.

The LINAK Group will continue to work on the established initiatives next year.

  • Respect for human rights, anti-corruption and bribery
    The LINAK Group respects the principles of international conventions such as the United Nations Declaration on Human Rights (1948) and the International Labor Organisation (ILO), and the LINAK Group expects suppliers to share this view. The principles and expectations are described in the Code of Conduct.

This means that suppliers must, among other things, ensure that:

  • The employees have freedom of association.
  • Work does not take place under duress.
  • They do not use child labourers.
  • Working hours do not exceed the requirements of local law.
  • They do not discriminate against employees.
  • They support preventive measures related to environmental challenges and work actively to reduce environmental impact.
  • They distance themselves from corrupt acts.

The Code of Conduct has been added to the supplier quality agreement, which must be signed by the suppliers. The suppliers are expected to commit to an action plan with any improvements under the Code of Conduct. If no progress is made, the LINAK Group reserves the right to terminate the cooperation.

The LINAK Group conducts regular audits with external partners to ensure that the Code of Conduct is complied with, which has been audited in the financial year 2022/23, none of these audits have given rise to the cessation of cooperation.

The LINAK Group will continue to work on the established initiatives next year.

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