LINAK® has implemented a Whistleblower scheme to give employees, business partners and other third parties cooperating with LINAK a safe and protected mechanism for reporting violations or suspicions of violations of applicable laws, regulations, and the guidelines outlined in the LINAK Ethics Handbook.
A report must be based on valid information and must be made in good faith.
We encourage you to provide your name in the report. Regardless of whether you do so or choose to be anonymous, all reports are treated strictly confidential.
Reports can be made anonymously.
Employees can access the whistleblower portal through our employee portal or website, while external stakeholders can access it via our website.
- If you wish to report regarding LINAK GmbH, please go to linak.whistlesystem.com - GmbH
- If you wish to report regarding LINAK Danmark A/S, please go to linak.whistlesystem.com - Danmark A/S
- If you wish to report regarding LINAK Slovakia s.r.o., please go to linak.whistlesystem.com - Slovakia s.r.o.
- If you wish to report regarding LINAK A/S and all other LINAK entities, please go to linak.whistlesystem.com - LINAK A/S
What can be reported: The Whistleblower scheme should only be used for serious offences or violations that are based on founded concerns.
Our Whistleblower Policy covers violations related to the following areas:
- LINAK Code of Conduct
- Public Procurement
- Money Laundering
- Product Safety
- Transport Safety
- Environmental protection
- Public Health
- Consumer Protection
- Personal Data and Privacy
- Tax
- Sexual Harassment
- Bribery and Corruption
- Discrimination
- Improper Sales and Marketing Activities
- Trade Sanctions and Export Control
- Violations subject to Criminal Sanctions
- LINAK Ethics Handbook
Matters outside the scope of this Whistleblower Policy such as bullying, grievances between individual employees, dissatisfaction with conditions, and other similar human resource related matters shall not be reported to the Whistleblower Coordinator but to your immediate manager and/or your local HR support.
How is the report processed?
When the report has been submitted, a unique report ID will appear. Please save this report ID for further reference and use it to log in or reopen your report. An anonymous dialogue can be started, further documentation can be submitted, and clarifying questions from the Whistleblower Coordinator can be answered in the portal.
LINAK encourages you to log in regularly after the report has been submitted to respond to any follow-up questions.
Please request the LINAK Whistleblower Policy for a detailed description of the reporting process.
The process proceeds as follows:
- The Whistleblower Coordinator will notify you that the report has been received within 7 days.
- The Whistleblower Coordinator assesses and categorises the report and conducts an initial investigation. At this stage, it is possible that the Whistleblower Coordinator needs more information or documentation from the Whistleblower. The Whistleblower Coordinator will start an anonymous dialogue with you via the system.
- The processing of the report is based on the type and severity of the report. Initially, the report is processed internally. In case of particularly severe misconduct or violations, the authorities can be involved in the investigation.
- You will be informed of the actions taken within 3 months of the report submission. In long-term cases, you will be updated on a regular basis.
- Any personal information in the report is processed to remain GDPR compliant.
- The report is deleted from the system when no longer relevant.
Report incident